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The results of 10k are official. Jette wins U15 and is also 2nd-fastest of all women that rode ungeared. She also had the 4th-fastest time of all female Unlimited-riders.
Konstantin is 3rd in 19-29. His time is the 8th-fastest of all 60 male riders.
Michael, too accomplishes a medal. He gets Bronze in 50-55.
Belinda is 8th in standard, Age Group 19-29.
The results here in Ansan don’t reach the times of the very even and straight course of the German Championships in Warendorf. The enormous heat and the profile of the course with many corners, little arisings and partly uneven ground prevented that.
This morning at seven o’clock, all the competitors of Downhill gathered at Mount Suam, about 8km north-east of Ansan. After a short opportunity to survey the track, The Advanced-race started at 9 am. In the end, the track was judged by the riders to be too short and not worthy for a UNICON. Before something like fun could arise, the race was already over. All three of the Höhnes and Belinda didn’t throw themselves down the track without thinking. The fun was to be the most important thing and all three wanted to reach the bottom without getting hurt. And so they rode down the track unexcitedly and steadily. Sometimes, that’s not for the worst. Belinda exceeded in that the best and reached the finish without dismount, while others, that were estimated faster in 19+, lost much time falling and trying to mount again, which couldn’t be compensated again on the short track. And so, with 5th place, she achieved a result far above her expectations.
Michael got his second Bronze Medal. He started in 50-54.
In the evening, we saw the Expert Pair Freestyle performances in the Wa-Dong-Gym. All Videos of Pair Freestyle are available in the Video-Archive.
Photo: Belinda Bebst
translated by Henriette Höhne